New Moon would be just as boring as Twilight if it weren’t for Taylor’s dominance in the movie. Just came back from the movie session with LN. Finally, after sooo long, exams and whatnot, I finally went for a movie!
I just can’t see why Twilight (and the other books/movies) is (are) so popular and why so many girls are head over heels for Rob Patz but I know for sure that I watched the movie for Taylor Lautner, the sizzling hot 17yo!
I don’t get why there are so many silent and awkward moments between the characters, intense staring and the plot(now it’s about the book), so unexciting. I’ve never read New Moon so just basing on the movie itself, I thought the plot was pretty weak (but I know that movies are generally worst off than what’s offered by the book). All I know after watching New Moon is that Bella was totally messing with Jacob’s feelings. Poor Jacob!
There were only 2 exciting parts in the movie- the fights. Emotional parts go to Bella-Jacob interactions. I don’t feel anything from Edward at all. He’s only best at frowning.
Anyways, the Twilight saga is totally overrated.
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