Yesterday I had one of the most disgusting experience eveeeeerrrr! I felt sick, felt nauseas, felt the hair on every inch of my body stand and I just wanted PUKE! Oh My God. It was soooo bad, it was madness, it was just plain disgusting!
So what happened was yesterday I cooked lunch in the morning and packed it to school. In the morning I was in a rush and so I just grabbed a plastic bag from our drawer where all the plastic bags are. I placed my lunch box and a spoon inside, tied it and put it in my bag.
On the way to school, when I opened my bag, I smelled something STRONG from my bag. It was like a decomposing smell. It was a really awful and puke-able smell. I checked if there was anything decaying in my bag but found nothing. So I thought perhaps it’s because the smell from my food was mixed with the smell of my books. But previously I had brought lunch to school before and this never happened. Anyways being the absent-minded me, I just shrugged it away.
During lunch time, when I took out my lunch, the smell was stronger. I looked everywhere thinking that I might find something disgusting but I didn’t. So I just hurriedly took out the spoon from the bag and ate my lunch. As usual I was super hungry during lunch time. Note this, I was eating from my lunchbox that I didn’t take out from the plastic bag. I just untied the plastic bag and ate from the box with the plastic bag underneath.
The whole day the strong smell stayed in my bag. I was really turned off by it. But I didn’t know what was the problem… so I just shrugged off.
By the time I got home, I was determined to find that stupid foul smell! So I took out my lunch box and realised the smell (actually I had suspected this before) was coming from the plastic bag. I took out my lunch box and checked it- nothing wrong. Then I looked into the plastic bag- the smell came from there but it was empty… empty until…. I spotted…
something small and white. Small, white and…. FREAKING WRIGGLING!!!!!!!!!!
EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS AN EFFING M-A-G-G-O-T. MAGGOT. Not one, but a few… like 4 or 5?! OH MY GOD… I FELT LIKE PUKING. I COULDN’T MOVE FOR A FEW SECS. I was so disgusted my hair stood, I couldn’t move and I felt nauseas. Even typing this makes me feel like puking.
My spoon which I ate from…. was in that plastic bag. While eating lunch, my lunch box was in that plastic bag. I was carrying maggots around the whole day. I FELT LIKE DYING!!!!!!!!! Even now I feel like there are maggots around me. I still can’t shake off that disgusted feeling.
Insects are like my number one fear… to think the maggots… ARGH!!!
I am officially psychologically affected.
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