
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Semester break

The one-week semester break is finally here! It’s only a week, so there’s not much I can do except drown in dramas and hopefully in my pending thesis as well. >_>”

After the week break, it’ll only be another 4 weeks of school before exam period. Wow, time is passing by really quickly which is what I had expected. Before I head home, these 2 months will definitely be quite a hellish one. Definitely a 2-month worth of obstacle to overcome before I can jump on the plane to “paradise”. There are so many things for me to do that thinking of it gives me a headache… T-T

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mapuo Tofu!!


This evening, I decided to try something new which was easy to cook and tasty on the buds! The recent trip to Sunnybank (unofficial Chinatown) has stocked my food supplies with more oriental ingredients and that include tofu, kangkong and mapuo tofu sauce!

Well, amateurs like me will have to settle for instant sauces so I was delighted that I could get such a dish so easily without much effort being made. Hehe. Absolutely delicious!

Also, I just bought myself a packet of brown rice yesterday. It is so difficult to cook due to the layer of husk around the grains. I had to cook the rice 2 times in the cooker so that it’s soft enough to eat. It’s so troublesome… but to comfort myself, it’s healthier.

If you didn’t know, I’ve changed much of my food intake to whole grains such as bread, cereals and now, rice. I’m actually attempting to change my diet into a healthy one so that I can curb my weight increment! I don’t take those sweet cereals (chocolate or honey coated kind) like I used to anymore, I try to include vegetables in every meal and I drink more water than before. I also eat fruits everyday, mostly just apples. And I try not to eat fast food/potato chips. If I want to indulge myself in snacks, I eat rice crackers although they are not THAT healthy either but definitely better than potato chips. Last but not least, I try to lessen my meal portions as well. Sometimes I realised the portions I cooked could feed 2 persons! It’s not like I want to eat so much. My portion estimation is really bad.

Only 9 weeks left before I head home. WTH! Super fast! Open-mouthed smile 8 weeks has already passed since the new semester started. I’m SOOOOO psyched!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Chase the Fats away. Invite the Fats again.

Last night, I stayed over at LN’s place! That’s because we planned to go for Mt Cootha climbing the next morning (which was today) and since I stayed so far, she suggested I stay over at her place.

This morning we woke up early to have our mountain climbing exercise. Initially I had expected there would be cemented walking trails for climbers to conquer the mountain… but I had forgotten how nature-conservative Aus is and only realised later that the pathway we had to take was treacherous and tedious. The walking trail was all forest-y and jungle-ish. We had to trekked through bushes, cling onto trees to climb up and “slide” down, and I even had to use a tree branch to help me balance myself on the steep ground. It didn’t take over 10mins for me to feel exhausted from the uneven trekking. I am THAT unfit!

To be honest though, it was pretty fun because since I’ve never really trek or climb mountains before (except once in Jeju Island)  it was sort of a new experience for me. In addition, it’s really good exercise which I need since I haven’t been exercising since… forever? Haha. Okay, not forever, since last semester.

Summit of Mt Cootha below. (It’s also the place where A, LY, KH and I went to in July during the night time. So it was the first time I could see the day-time scenery.)





(other photos might be uploaded to fb soon)

Anyway, all that fats-burning went to waste when we went for yum-cha after the climb!! It’s been about… 2 months since I went for dim sum. The last was with A, at the exact same place where we went today (oh the memories~!).


The egg tart is so damn nice, it melts in your mouth. Xiao Long Bao is incomparable to Ding Tai Fung though.

Oh (tummy) fats, how do I get rid of you once and for all?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Stressing myself out

I realized that my achievement of entering the dean’s list in the past 2 semesters has produced an adverse effect on my self-esteem. A mere pass or credit is now insufficient for me and if I do get one, instead of a distinction or HD, I would feel upset and discouraged. Like today, I got back my grades for my proposal plan and realized I’ve got a 7.5/10. The first thought that came to my mind was, omg so low. Indeed, it was kind of low because it seems the rest of my classmates got an 8 or above, at least that was what 2 of my classmates sitting beside me had received.

Gosh… am I stressing myself out a little too much? I do not think that this semester will be a dean’s list worthy one, because writing essays critically is not my forte and 3 of my courses require me to write essays! The first assignment which I submitted on Tuesday was done poorly. I procrastinated so much and completed it half-heartedly… ><” Today my professor said, “good news is, those who have submitted their assignment all passed.” Then in my head was, a pass is not good enough!

I should change my mindset, huh? Credit or pass is good enough… ><

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

100th-Day Present

As you know, A and I “celebrated” our 100th-day about more than a week ago. He told me that we cannot celebrate our 100th and 200th day together but when the time comes for us to meet, we can celebrate all of them at once. ^^ So I didn’t think that he would actually send me a gift… about 5 days after our 100th day, I unexpectedly received a parcel from Korea! I didn’t guess that it would be a present for our 100th day, probably just a random gift or something.

When I opened the parcel, I got such a beautiful surprise!


The box is so beautiful…

Chocolates, card and the gift!

Gift!! I forgot to take a photo of it by itself because I was too excited. :P

He is so sensible in choosing the right card… ^^

This is the gift~! Looks like a very normal mug…

So cute… and once again… the words.

Surprise! More chocolates inside! <3

Let me show why the mug is so special:

1) Original state

2) After pouring hot water into the mug…
Look at that!!!



너를 만난 건 내 생에 가장 큰 행운이었어. 메이야, 사랑해~ <3

The biggest luck (I have) in my life is meeting you. May, I love you~ <3

I called him immediately after opening the present. He told me to pour hot water into the cup and something magical will happen. I was so anxious to see it, I went to make myself a cup of tea. I was soooo shocked as I didn’t expect to see the photo and words slowly appear as I pour the hot water in! It was so beautiful and cute!

He has the exact cup too! But the words are addressed to him instead (from me to him). He used the message I put for my MSN personal nick because few weeks ago I told him that’s what I want to tell him. ^^

I love him so much… and it’s true…

“Love is that I can feel you even if you are not with me right now.”

Sunday, September 5, 2010


People who have been following my twitter would know I’ve just created a new Tumblr blog!

It’s mainly a photo blog where I will post random or not-so random photos on it. Unlike this “private” blog, my tumblr will be more publicised as I’m not going to post as much personal thoughts as I would here. So go ahead and talk about my tumblr to anyone because I will if you don’t. LOL. I might share other stuff besides photos as well because I just discovered that sharing online goodies (songs, videos, links, etc) is so much easier with Tumblr than blogger! :)

I guess my “short hiatus” isn’t much of a hiatus now. :/