
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mapuo Tofu!!


This evening, I decided to try something new which was easy to cook and tasty on the buds! The recent trip to Sunnybank (unofficial Chinatown) has stocked my food supplies with more oriental ingredients and that include tofu, kangkong and mapuo tofu sauce!

Well, amateurs like me will have to settle for instant sauces so I was delighted that I could get such a dish so easily without much effort being made. Hehe. Absolutely delicious!

Also, I just bought myself a packet of brown rice yesterday. It is so difficult to cook due to the layer of husk around the grains. I had to cook the rice 2 times in the cooker so that it’s soft enough to eat. It’s so troublesome… but to comfort myself, it’s healthier.

If you didn’t know, I’ve changed much of my food intake to whole grains such as bread, cereals and now, rice. I’m actually attempting to change my diet into a healthy one so that I can curb my weight increment! I don’t take those sweet cereals (chocolate or honey coated kind) like I used to anymore, I try to include vegetables in every meal and I drink more water than before. I also eat fruits everyday, mostly just apples. And I try not to eat fast food/potato chips. If I want to indulge myself in snacks, I eat rice crackers although they are not THAT healthy either but definitely better than potato chips. Last but not least, I try to lessen my meal portions as well. Sometimes I realised the portions I cooked could feed 2 persons! It’s not like I want to eat so much. My portion estimation is really bad.

Only 9 weeks left before I head home. WTH! Super fast! Open-mouthed smile 8 weeks has already passed since the new semester started. I’m SOOOOO psyched!

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