What can I say? It will be 2010 in a few hours and at this period of time, people are penning down their new year’s resolutions. Instead of new year’s resolutions, I prefer taking a step back and review moments that have happened during the pass year. Especially for 2009, it has been one hell of an adventure ride with what seemed like endless of moments of life experiences that will be etched in my memory for a long long time.
- Officially graduating from SP in May. It was something I had look forward to during my years in SP. Being in the course was torturous for so many reasons. I know that I have wasted 3 years studying Optometry in SP, but I graduated with a diploma successfully. It’s a step that took me to where I am today. Under certain circumstances, perhaps this diploma will even help me in the future.
- Korea trip in March. Being able to step foot into my dream country for the first time was definitely one defining moment I will never forget. Experiencing the bit of life the Koreans led was awesome! We climbed mountains in Jeju-do, went to hotsprings in Gyeonggi-do, shopped till the wee hours in Dong Dae Mun, went to two of the most famous theme parks in Korea, Everland and Lotte World. Travelling with tour group provide these benefits of going to many sight-seeing places and other places where it would be difficult to go without tour guides. But I really want to go again without tour guide the next time, free and easy!
- FT Island Showcase in Singapore held in June. It was the last Kpop event before I left for Aus. Had a blast, having attended FTI’s live performance! <3
- Commencement of my study abroad in Brisbane, Aus in July. Most defining moment of all, hey? First time to Australia, first time to Brissie, first time to UQ, first time to do everything myself… So many first-times in Aus. Experiencing the life in Aus has definitely open up my eyes and made me realised that there is so much more out there than the little sunny island I grew up in. First semester of studies, although it can be stressful at times, was very interesting and enjoyable. For the first time (in my life thus far), I looked forward to studying! I looked forward to studying for my Korean oral/written exams. Guess that is sort of reflected from my results. :) Also, the friends I made in Aus come from all parts of the world and that really added colours to my life. :D
For this… I want to send this message to my mum who made these possible (sounds like I just received an award huh? LOL): - Seoul’d Out Festival in Dec. One of the best evenings of the year! One could feel the intensity of Korean culture at fort canning that evening. Korean traditional performances, Korean B-Boys and best of all, Kpop artistes’ performances. Having to see FT Island for the 2nd time, watching Abracadabra “hip dance” live, seeing Kim Jun and T-Max rocked the stage was absolute craziness! :D
Here comes 2010~